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So what if I can never be perfect?

Recently, being confident with the way your body is IS the hot topic.

Regardless whether you are model thin or fiercely real, we are all human.

I have this notion that I used to tell myself during my acne days that perfection is being imperfect just the way we are, which brings me to the topic that I want to talk about at this ungodly timing of 4am when it is raining dogs and cats outside.

Besides being confident with our body, there are heaps of other things that bothers us, as individual that "heaps other other things" varies. I can list my heaps of other things besides my wide hips and flat butt

For instance:

1) The pimples on my face
2) The scars from those pimples
3) My uneven eyebrows
4) My skin tacs

boy oh boy, she looks flawless

5) The scars on my back (from mild bacne)

boy oh boy, she looks flawless

6) The cellulite
7) The stretch marks on the side of my butt cheeks (I have no idea why I have them at this age)
8) The scars on my legs from mosquitoes bites
9) The constantly growing leg hairs and on my toes (like seriously why?!~) and
10) The ever sweating feet

boy oh boy, she looks flawless

Sure we all want to be the version of chopped up portion/ photoshopped of someone else, but reality is, we are the way we are. Be it, due to some freak incident or genetics or life, we are the way we are and that makes us as unique as our own thumbprints: Perfect the way we are.

For I reasoned to myself that if not for my imperfection, I wouldnt be... well, me. Sure, all these imperfection at some time in our life, brings our spirit down when we dwell on it, but it is past these moments that makes us stronger as humans. And quite frankly, it teaches me to love myself just the way my bf does whenever I nag about my problem areas to him and he says "Nevermind, I still love you" and if someone can love me the way I am, isn't it ridiculous if I dont?

So morale of the story, find someone who loves you regardless of your imperfection and use that love to feed your confidence. That and, babe/dude~ envy is an evil thing. Stop comparing, that person probably envies another part of you too. It is a vicious cycle, get out of it.

ok, I have my flawless bits too.