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Wanderlust Getaway: Pulau Ubin

I know it's 2015 now but I still got a few post to do to conclude 2014, so bear with me!

Because I feel like I have been writing too much about just beauty, I think it will be good to share what I did for the festive season to touch on the lifestyle side of thing!

For Xmas eve, while people were preparing for the night, I spent the day with my guy on Pulau Ubin. I think the last time I was on Ubin was when my age started with a "1", and I spent the time cycling around the island with my Rock Climbing juniors. This time round, I spent the day cycling with my guy.

It was a much desired trip as he has been wanting to get away from the city life. We were pretty luckily that it was cloudy for most part of the day, with a nice cooling breeze throughout our journey. To be honest... besides cycling, stopping for the view of the quarries and walking around Chek Jawa, there really isnt much to do. 

And the most interesting encounter we had were with the wild boars that were going through bags of food at the bicycle area. They are smarter than they look, they managed to tear through backpacks, open up chip bags and munch on the snacks. It was lucky that we carried our bags with us throughout the journey. Besides wild boars, there are also monkeys on the island and heaps of dogs throughout the area. The dogs are fine, they are well fed by humans but do watch out for the boars and monkey. They are pretty sneaky!

 For lunch, we stopped by the waters and had a picnic. We had salad in a jar, pressed sandwiches and infused water! It was my first time making infused water and I've got to say~ Now, I see why people are doing it! It adds an interesting flavor to the water, and it is definitely a much better alternative to soft drinks! 

To get to Pulau Ubin:

Take a ferry from Changi Point Ferry Terminal, and climb down the stairs to get to the bumboats.
This Terminal also serves those going to Penggerang, Johor so be sure to join the correct queue for Pulau Ubin. Simply join the queue and the boats will leave when they have 12 persons. 

If there are less than 12 persons, you might have to wait a little while until enough people turn up. We waited for about 10 mins. The schedule for the bumboats are pretty much free and easy but dependent on the number of people for each trip.

A round-trip ferry ticket to Pulau Ubin costs S$5 (adult/ child), SG$2.50 each trip. There are no tickets, payment are made directly to the bumboat operators with cash only! So make sure you carry some cash with you. There are restaurants on the island so you may grab food and drinks there. For the rental of bicycles, the prices do vary. So, do go around to compare prices and the conditions of the bicycles.